Bulk send for signature

Use Bulk send for Signature to send multiple signers their own copy of a single document.


The following instructions provide the steps necessary to send to multiple signers.

  1. Select Bulk send for signature.

    Bulk sends for signature

  2. Select a template to bulk send.

    Prepare document


    Only templates with a single signer role are available for selection. If a valid template is not available, create one from the Templates tab. For more information on creating a template, see Create a template.

  3. Select Upload Signers.

    Prepare document

  4. Upload a CSV file. The CSV should not contain empty signer name or signer email ID values. The number cannot exceed 100 signers.

    Prepare document

    • If the CSV has errors, an error message might display. Correct the issues with the CSV file and upload the CSV file again.

      Add signer name and email

  5. Type a message, set an expiration date, and add tags, if necessary.

    Type a message

  6. Select Confirm.

    Confirm bulks send.

The document status is displayed on the dashboard.

Search for bulk send documents

There are two ways to search for documents sent using bulk send:

  • Dashboard: search using tags you added before sending the document or use the document name.
  • Template: select the template used to send and then select View Responses.

    Confirm bulk send.

Bulk send for signature