
ShareFile delivers electronic signature ability using RightSignature. An electronic signature, sometimes known as an e-signature, is the same as your handwritten signature on a paper document, except electronic — a mark on an electronic contract or document you make to demonstrate your intent to agree to the terms of that document.

Integrating ShareFile RightSignature with ShareFile gives you the power to obtain legally binding signatures on documents entirely online, being completed more quickly and securely than executing paper documents. ShareFile delivers electronic signature capability at different levels:

  • ShareFile electronic signature lets you send files stored in your ShareFile account for electronic signature. For integration steps, see Getting started.

  • RightSignature is also available as a stand-alone solution. To get started, see RightSignature.


Visit the RightSignature user guidance for electronic signature user information.

Fixed issues

February 6, 2023

This release addresses a number of issues that help to improve overall performance and stability.

June 26, 2022

This release addresses a number of issues that help to improve overall performance and stability.

January 20, 2021

This release addresses a number of issues that help to improve overall performance and stability.

RightSignature FAQs

For more information about RightSignature, see RightSignature FAQs.
