
File versioning

File Versioning allows you to keep and download multiple versions of a single file. Files with the same file name and type are automatically saved as the latest version.

File Versioning ensures that changes are not lost between updates or edits. Any user with download permissions on the folder can view the available file versions for a given file.

Upload a new version of a file

When File Versioning is enabled, uploading a file type with the same file name displays as the latest version.

When users download a file that has multiple versions, the latest version will be downloaded. To access previous versions of a file, click the blue versioning icon.

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Access Versions

The icon indicates a file with multiple versions. Click the icon to view previous versions of the file. You can download or delete as needed.

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Number of Versions

By default, file versioning saves unlimited versions of a file allowing you to see the entire history. You can configure an account-wide default setting and manage version count on a folder-by-folder basis.

Account Default

An Admin user on the account can customize the account-wide default by navigating to Advanced Preferences > File Settings > Versioning.

Individual Folder

To view advanced folder settings, access the More Options menu beside the Folder Name.


Enabling or disabling file versioning on the folder level requires the Admin permission on the folder.

On the folder options screen, use the Maximum Versions drop-down menu to pick the number of versions that can be saved. You can select Custom to enter a different value.

You can choose to apply the same setting to all of the subfolders of a folder. When you are finished, select Save.

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What happens if I upload another version of a file when file versioning is disabled?

When versioning is disabled, uploading a new version of a file with the exact same file name overwrites the current file.


Similar file names are treated as a new entity.

What happens if I disable File Versioning on a folder?

Previous versions of your file are not removed. The latest version of your file is displayed within your folder.

Uploading a new version of a file overwrites the latest file version. The older versions are “stacked” beneath the latest version of the file.

File versioning